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What To Expect During A General Car Service

A car service is one of the most important maintenance procedures you can do for your car. It is like a regular health checkup for your vehicle, keeping it running smoothly and efficiently. A general car service includes a range of tasks to check and maintain your car. 

First, your mechanic will inspect the exterior of the car. They will look for any dents, rust, or other damage to the bodywork. They will also check the tires, brakes, and suspension. During this inspection, they may also check the oil and coolant levels and make sure that the battery is in good condition. If you are looking for the best car general service, you can look at this website.

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The next step is to inspect the engine. This includes checking the oil filter, spark plugs, and air filter, as well as any other maintenance items that need to be addressed. The mechanic will also check the fuel filter, fuel lines, exhaust system, and other engine components. They might even check the timing belt and other related components.

The final step is to check the interior of the car. This includes checking the brakes, steering, and other parts of the car. The mechanic will check the lights and the electrics, and may also check the car’s audio system and other entertainment features.