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What Is Sports Physiotherapy ?

Sports physiotherapy is a specialized form of physiotherapy that focuses on treating and preventing injuries related to participation in physical activity, such as sports. It is a combination of manual therapy, exercise prescription, and education that is designed to prevent and manage sport-related injuries, including muscular imbalances, joint dysfunction, and postural dysfunction.

The Benefits of Sports Physiotherapy:

Sports injury physiotherapy in Edmonton can help to improve an athlete’s performance through a combination of treatments. These include strengthening and conditioning, manual therapy, and exercise prescription. Sports physiotherapy can also help to reduce the risk of injury and assist the athlete in recovering from an injury.

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The Role of the Sports Physiotherapist:

The role of the sports physiotherapist is to assess and diagnose the athlete’s condition, provide education and advice on injury prevention, and provide treatment to reduce pain and restore function. The sports physiotherapist is also responsible for creating an individualized treatment plan that includes appropriate exercises and activities to ensure optimal performance.

Sports Physiotherapy Techniques

Sports physiotherapists use a variety of techniques to treat and prevent injuries. These include manual therapy, joint mobilization, soft tissue massage, and exercise prescription. Sports physiotherapists also use taping and bracing to provide support and stability to the injured area.


Sports physiotherapy is a specialized form of physiotherapy that provides treatment and prevention services to athletes who are involved in physical activity. The sports physiotherapist plays an important role in helping athletes improve their performance and reduce the risk of injury. Sports physiotherapy techniques such as manual therapy, joint mobilization, soft tissue massage, and exercise prescription are used to reduce pain and restore function.