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What Is Drayage, And Why Does It Matter For My Shipping Business?

Drayage is the term used to describe the short-haul movement of cargo, usually over land. Drayage typically refers to the trucking of goods from a port or rail terminal to a warehouse or distribution center.

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Drayage is an important part of the shipping process for many businesses, as it can help to ensure that goods are delivered promptly and efficiently. In some cases, drayage may be the only option for shipping certain goods.

There are a few things to keep in mind when arranging drayage services. First, it is important to choose a reputable and experienced company. Second, be sure to clarify the price upfront, as pricing can vary depending on factors such as distance and weight. Finally, make sure that all necessary paperwork is in order before shipping any goods.

Why is drayage important for shipping businesses?

Drayage is the transportation of goods over land, typically short distances. It’s an important service for businesses that ship goods by rail or barge, as drayage companies provide the trucks and drivers to pick up and deliver containers to and from rail yards and port facilities.

Drayage is a critical link in the supply chain, and can often be the most expensive part of shipping goods. That’s why it’s important for businesses to choose a drayage provider that is reliable and has a good reputation for on-time delivery.

There are a few things to keep in mind when choosing a drayage provider, such as:

1-The company’s experience level

2-The distance the company needs to travel

3-The type of equipment the company uses

4-The company’s safety record