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What Is Dha Nursing License?

A DHA nursing license is a nursing license granted by the Dubai Health Authority (DHA) for nurses, midwives, and other healthcare professionals in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). This license is mandatory for all nurses, midwives, and healthcare professionals who wish to work in the UAE. The license is valid for two years and must be renewed every two years.

The DHA nursing permit is a key factor in ensuring the safety of patients, as it ensures that all healthcare professionals have the necessary qualifications and experience required to treat patients safely and effectively. 

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The license also ensures that healthcare professionals are up to date with the latest medical advances and treatments and that they adhere to the highest standards of care.

In order to obtain a DHA nursing license, nurses, midwives, and healthcare professionals must have a valid UAE residence visa and a valid passport. They must also have a minimum of two years of experience in the field of nursing or healthcare and must pass a written and practical examination administered by the DHA. 

The examination covers topics such as medical terminology, nursing and midwifery principles, and clinical skills. Once the application has been submitted and accepted, the healthcare professional must then take a mandatory orientation course. 

This course provides an overview of the DHA's regulations and standards for healthcare professionals. After completing the orientation course, the healthcare professional must take a practical and theoretical examination. 

The results of this examination will determine whether the healthcare professional is eligible for the DHA nursing license. With the DHA nursing license, healthcare professionals are allowed to practice in any of the UAE's hospitals, clinics, and other health facilities.