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Understand the Concept of POD in Self Publishing Books

The publishing industry has seen advanced technology. It's amazing that authors can choose from a wider range of options. You can choose to publish traditionally or take the quantum leap into online book publishing.

Without publishing on demand or POD Publishing, some may never be able to see their work printed professionally. Print-on-demand is exactly what it sounds like: they print the books according to your order. Modern technology is used to store and print your book electronically, eliminating the need for large print runs and a warehouse. If you want to publish your book online refer to

online book publishing

When I decided to self-publish my first novel in 2002, I created a report that compared the top three companies. It helped me make the right decision. I have rewritten that report and am offering it free of charge at the end. 

  • Books sell with covers!

It's not the only selling point of your book, but it is the most important. You only get one chance to make a first impression that will grab the attention of your potential readers.

  • Author's note

I was impressed by the offerings of several companies back in 2002, but their current author book covers look like crayon drawings. While most companies have made improvements, it is still something I recommend. Quality bookstores or trade quality are what you want.

  • Contract

Most Publish-On-Demand or print when ordered companies are not considered publishing houses but publishing service companies. Therefore, you should expect a non-exclusive contract period.