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The Ultimate Guide To Making Keto Friendly Jerky

Making Keto friendly jerky is a great way to enjoy a tasty snack without breaking your keto diet. Jerky is a great source of protein and is high in fat and low in carbohydrates, making it an ideal snack for those on a ketogenic diet. The following is the ultimate guide to making keto friendly jerky.

First, you will need to choose a lean cut of meat. Lean cuts of meat such as beef, turkey, or chicken are best for making jerky. The leaner the cut, the less fat and carbohydrates it will contain. Once you have chosen your meat, you will need to slice it into thin strips. This can be done with a sharp knife or even a mandoline slicer.

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Second, you will need to prepare a marinade for your jerky. A keto friendly marinade should be low in carbohydrates and high in fat. Some good options include olive oil, coconut aminos, and Worcestershire sauce. Mix all of the ingredients together in a bowl and let the jerky soak in the marinade for at least an hour.

Third, you will need to dry the jerky. An oven or dehydrator can be used for this step. If using an oven, preheat it to its lowest setting and place the strips of jerky on a baking sheet. Bake for 1-2 hours or until the jerky is dry and chewy. 

Finally, you will need to season the jerky. You can use any type of seasoning that you like. Popular keto friendly seasonings include garlic powder, onion powder, cayenne pepper, and smoked paprika.