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The Advantages Of Using Chat Bots As An Advertising Medium

A website chatbot is simply a program designed to perform an online chat transaction, instead of giving direct personal contact to an actual human being. It is similar to a virtual assistant but is not limited to tasks specific to that field. In essence, it is like an online human assistant, except that it is entirely computer-based and not dependent upon an actual human being. There are several advantages to using a chat bot as opposed to a real person, here are just a few:

It saves time – Using a website chatbot eliminates the need for a real person to answer or monitor your queries. You can simply give the bot commands, and it will carry them out for you. As a result, you do not waste time by having to wait for a real-life person to receive or answer your questions. This is especially helpful if you want to get an immediate response to a product order or service request. A chatbot is indeed the future of business.

Image via video – Today, we use the internet to look up information and find a friend or contact, or even look up an address or phone number. In all cases, the information is either placed through a live chat or by typing in a URL address and then watching the image via video. However, with a conversational agent, you can actually give a live image via speech to the bot, which it then delivers to the person you wish to view the image. This provides a better solution than typing in a long URL and seeing a picture.

Image via image – In the coming years, chat bots are expected to provide images to go along with your conversations. This would be especially useful if you have images from an old website you want to bring up, or perhaps a blog post you want to share. The bot can then deliver these images to you, saving you time and effort. In fact, many internet users have already been able to take advantage of this. They can find websites they may not have visited by searching for images via a bot. This is already one of the most amazing aspects of chat bots coming into existence.

Voice transcription – In the coming years, voice transcription will allow a customer to hear a call and then write down the relevant information. This can be useful if you are on hold for a long period of time and want to listen and get the pertinent information you need to get back to your business. Chat Bots will also be able to make transcription more relevant to the customer's needs. This means that the bot can tailor specific directions and language to ensure the customer hears what he wants to hear.

Sentiment analysis – Similar to entity recognition, a chatbot will also be able to detect negative or positive sentiments from conversations. When a user enters a chat, sentiment analysis will be performed. This will identify which words other users used in the conversation to convey their sentiment and how these words relate to your brand. This will then give you the ability to customize your own messaging so that it becomes more appropriate for your current customer base. You will be able to tailor the messages to fit your brand and position your brand in their mind.

Medical Knowledge – One of the greatest advantages of Chat Bots is that the bot can help with medical and health-related questions. Since the Bot has access to internal databases, it will be easier for the medical knowledge company to find relevant facts from these databases. Medications and procedures can be found, and a patient record can be created. A medical knowledge chatbot can assist in answering any questions the customer may have. Chat Bots are also known to be able to perform UNICEF queries and lead the customers to the correct information.

There is no denying the importance of chat Bots to marketing today. They represent a unique tool in helping to market your product, service, or company. While there are other types of advertising like posters, coupons, etc., none can compare to the results a bot platform can achieve. With the help of the chat bots we can have a more personal interaction with our clients and prospects. Chat Bots are definitely worth the investment and are only going to continue to grow in relevance and popularity in the future.