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The 5 Best Tips To Keep Your Perimeter Drain Clean

When it comes to your perimeter drain, it is important to keep it clean and well-maintained. Keeping your perimeter drain clean not only helps to prevent unpleasant odors but also helps to keep the water flow in your home running smoothly, there are five of the best tips to keep your perimeter drainage clean.

Install a Gutter Guard: Installing a gutter guard around the perimeter of your home is a great way to prevent debris from clogging your drain. Gutter guards are designed to catch leaves, twigs, and other materials before they make their way into your drain.

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Regular Cleanings: It is important to regularly clean your perimeter drain to prevent blockages. This can be done with a garden hose or with a pressure washer. Make sure to check the area around the drain for any clogs or blockages.

Use Chemical Cleaners: Chemical cleaners can be used to remove stubborn debris and blockages from your perimeter drain. Make sure to use a product that is specifically designed for drains so that it does not damage the pipes or cause any additional clogs.

Use Natural Solutions: Natural solutions such as vinegar and baking soda can be used to remove debris from your drain. For major blockages, a professional plumber may need to be called.

Inspect Regularly: Regularly inspecting your perimeter drain can help to spot any potential problems before they become serious. If you notice any changes in the water flow or smell, it is best to contact a professional plumber right away.