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Social Media Training for PAs, Office Managers, EAs and Other Support Roles

Businesses need to connect with customers and potential customers via social media. But, PAs and other support staff must learn how to manage a campaign.

This is because most owners and senior managers want to launch a campaign, but they don't need to do it themselves. Therefore, most often the campaign is delegated to them.

There is an excellent opportunity to shine in career through social media training. There are many business benefits. If you're able to manage a successful campaign, your boss will likely reward you and respect you for it.

Other people who are taking social media courses include entrepreneurs and communications executives in smaller organizations where they are forced to take on the campaign because there is not enough support staff.

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Types Of Social Media

Here's a list of the most popular social media platforms:

  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • Facebook
  • YouTube
  • Pinterest
  • Flickr
  • Blogger
  • WordPress
  • Google Share
  • Tumblr

There are many more, but these are the most popular. These factors will all impact the SEO of your business when you do a campaign for a company. Search engine optimization is a process companies use to improve their positions in unpaid search results in search engines.

There is a dramatic increase in websites and blogs over the last decade. Social media marketing is the term used to describe how businesses market their products and services online.