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Prevent Workplace Harassment – Top Tips

These tips are directed to the organization as a whole. Every leader must realize it and provide support as needed, but many tips need to be executed by senior officials and / or HR departments.

Tips # 1: Train all managers:

Tips # 2: Investigate all complaints of all harassment.

Not all allegations of abuse have the same advantages or severity. However, the absolute is: never ignore the complaints of harassment, whether it is formally made or as an informal complaint.

Tip # 3: Create clear harassment / discrimination policies and tolerance.

  • Defining and covering quid-pro-quo harassment
  • Defining and covering hostile environment harassment
  • Stressing the significance of effect, regardless of intent
  • Covering all bases of harassment and discrimination (e.g., race, religion, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, etc.)
  • Specifying consequences (e.g., up to and including termination of employment) and establishing a complaint procedure