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Essential Steps For Hiring An IEP Lawyer

Having an Individualized Education Program (IEP) lawyer can be invaluable for any family who has a student with special needs. An IEP lawyer can help navigate the complex legal landscape of special education and ensure that your child receives the services they need. Here are the essential steps for hiring an IEP lawyer.

Research Your Options

The first step in hiring an IEP lawyer is to research your options. Start by asking around for recommendations from other parents or educators. You can also check online reviews and visit websites like Avvo or Nolo to find IEP lawyers in your area. Be sure to check if the lawyer is licensed to practice law in your state.

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Schedule a Consultation

Once you have identified a few potential IEP lawyers, contact them to schedule a consultation. Most lawyers offer free consultations, which is a great opportunity to discuss your case and ask any questions you may have. During the consultation, pay attention to how the lawyer responds to your questions, and whether or not they seem knowledgeable.

Check Their Experience

It is important to make sure that the lawyer you hire is experienced in IEP law. Ask the lawyer how long they have been practicing IEP law and how many cases they have handled. You may also want to ask if they have any special certifications or awards related to IEP law.