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Choose your preferred order Fulfilment method

When you sell on Amazon, you have several performance options. Each of them has its advantages and your choice will depend on the type of product you are selling through the wholesale product analyzer at

First, you can keep your business in and deliver the product yourself. This adds to your workload but is usually a best practice in the early days of your home business. Another great benefit of in-house selling is that you can keep control of your orders, reduce costs, and even include promotional materials in your packages.

Alternatively, you can work with Amazon to order on your behalf. Amazon Performance or FBA is a service provided by a company that can help you reduce your workload and improve the customer experience. 

When you sign up for FBA, you will be asked to send your inventory to Amazon which will store it for you. When the order is placed, Amazon will handle the delivery of your product. Customers can even combine your product with the rest of their Amazon orders or use a service like Amazon Prime for fast delivery.

Finally, you may be able to reach an agreement with a wholesaler or manufacturer if you have one. With a process called delivery, you can focus on promoting your product and providing great customer service. 

All you have to do is notify the manufacturer or wholesaler when the order is placed and they will make sure it is delivered on your behalf. Airline contracts are also a great way to make deals with wholesalers without buying up large amounts of inventory upfront.