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Buy Essential Oils For Natural Insomnia Cures

If you have trouble sleeping, you will get much better long-term results with essential oil sleep aids than with sleeping pills.

This addiction to sleeping pills is a symptom of the way we automatically seek "quick fixes." While there are sometimes good reasons to turn to quick and easy fixes, sleep and sleep problems shouldn't be treated that way. A warm bath is an old-fashioned way to get ready for bed, and adding a few drops of essential oil makes it even more beneficial. 

You can buy organic essential oils at

Here are some helpful oils you can try this essential oil – individually or in combination. 

1 – Lavender (Lavandula Angustifolia). It has a distinctive and pleasant relaxing smell and has been used for centuries.

2 – Sandalwood (Santalum album). It has a velvety scent and may be preferred by men over the other oils mentioned here. Often used in men's aftershave and body lotions.

3 – Marjoram is known as "Origanum Majorana". This herb produces a relaxing, warm feeling and makes you quite sleepy. Not to be confused with "Spanish Marjoram" which has different properties and is a type of thyme.

4 – Neroli (Citrus Aurantium). As a member of the citrus family, it has a distinctive aroma and is often touted to be very effective in treating insomnia and sleep problems.

Essential oils are very powerful, so don't overdo them. Be careful not to dilute it and mix it with other ingredients and only use 6-8 drops. Use slightly less than recommended for people with poor health, as well as for children and the elderly.