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Why You Need Pre-Employment Background Checks

More than eighty percent of companies do some kind of background search for new employees. The fact is one of eight people has a criminal history.

If you consider all aspects of the background check such as past employment, education, and professional license, you will find that the number of applications to the (destination) misinformation increasing to between 35 and 40 percent. You can also run an employment background check and ask for employment history verification report instantly.

Below we have listed some of the important information you should know about your background checks.

Read the application carefully. This is likely to ask if you have been convicted of a crime, not detained. No need to report the arrests that do not generate, if the application does not ask for this information. Many would argue that the employer cannot legally ask if you have been arrested.

Often, people are not sure whether their arrests resulted in convictions. Do not assume a case has been abolished unless you pay a lawyer for expungement and it is approved by a judge, or you file the proper documents themselves. If you do not go through the application procedure for expungement and have it approved, then the record is still available for viewing.

Employers are not limited to 7 years on a criminal records search. Some countries have their own Fair Credit Reporting Act rules that limit what they reported in the last seven years, often based on the position and how much to pay.