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What is the best way to run?

A recently trendy strategy to deal with too much use injuries which can be frequent in runners is by using gait retraining. This is adjusting how a runner runs with a completely different style. It's a good idea when you get an overuse injury from running one way, then change the method you run. There is still a lot to be discovered about doing this, but it is becoming increasingly trendy and plenty of health professionals as well as running technique coaches are using this to assist runners. There was a recent episode of PodChatLive which was devoted to the topic. PodChatLive is a chat show for podiatrists and other health professionals hosted by Craig Payne in Australia and Ian Griffiths in England. They go live on Facebook with a brand new guest monthly. The taped edition is next published to YouTube and a podcast edition is in addition made available.

In the episode of PodChatLive on gait retraining in runners the hosts discussed with this with James Dunne. James is an extremely highly regarded running coach and also the owner of the Kinetic Revolution website to aid runners with their teaching and running methods. In the episode they talked about why and when we could need to alter someone’s running approach, and how a health professional might do it. It shouldn’t surprise anyone that an individual approach is key, and you will find no blanket solutions. One size will not fit all. They brought up the bidirectional and symbiotic connection between running coachs and Podiatry practitioners. James is a runner, a sports rehab therapist and coach from Norwich in the United Kingdom. James has a qualification in sports rehabilitation. James started the Kinetic Revolution coaching website back in 2010 as an approach of sharing just what he learnt on his experience as an ex-pro rugby player to doing work in the sports injury community, and to him transforming into a marathon runner.