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What Is a Business Model Canvas?

Business model canvas is a visual representation of the information about your business and its value proposition. Business model canvas helps you decide which market you're going to enter, and how to sustain the business over the long term.

The business model canvas is a tool used to help entrepreneurs and businesses understand and visualize their business model. The canvas consists of eight quadrants, each of which represents a different aspect of a company's finances and operations.  If you are interested in business model canvas you can also check this website

Startup owners can use the canvas to identify the type of customer they are targeting, the price they are willing to charge for their product or service, and the sources of revenue they will need to sustain their business. Businesses that require extra capital or have products or services that are not easily tradable can use the canvas to determine how much money they will need to raise in order to get started, as well as what kind of terms they would be willing to offer investors. 

The business model canvas has been praised for its simplicity and its ability to help entrepreneurs see their business in a new light.  Start with the end in mind. Once you have identified your company's key drivers, it's important to think about how you can achieve those goals. Make sure that each element of your business model aligns with one of your key drivers.

Be realistic. It's important to be realistic about the potential value of your services or products. Don't overestimate the potential for growth in your industry or underestimate the challenges that will be faced along the way.