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What are the Best Materials to Use in Surface Patching?

The most common type of asphalt patching is done with hot asphalt. This is a mixture of coal tar and rubber that is heated to about 750 degrees F. The asphalt then is poured into the cracks in the surface and forms a seal. The downside to this type of patching is that it can be very hot, which can cause burns. 

One alternative to hot asphalt is cold asphalt. This mixture of coal tar and rubber is mixed with gravel, which helps to hold the mixture together as it’s poured. It’s also less likely to create burns because the temperature remains relatively low. Cold asphalt can be used on a variety of surfaces, including concrete and masonry. You can simply pop over here to know more about surface patching.

Another option for patching asphalt surfaces is using epoxy. This material hardens after it’s applied, so it provides a permanent fix. Epoxy can be used on both concrete and asphalt surfaces, but it may not be as durable as hot or cold asphalt.

Helpful Tools and Procedures for Surface Patching

There are a few helpful tools and procedures for asphalt patching that everyone should be aware of. Here are some of the most essential: 

-A sturdy roller: This is essential for leveling and smoothing the surface before patching. 

-Spare parts: Always have a spare part or two on hand in case of an emergency. 

-Material safety data sheet (MSDS): Read and follow all safety precautions when using any type of asphalt adhesive or sealant. 

-Clean up: Once the job is done, take extra care to clean up any spilled material and debris so that you don't invite future accidents.


When you are faced with a pothole on your street or driveway, the last thing you want to worry about is whether or not the repair will be safe. Fortunately, there are several safe and effective asphalt patching techniques that you can use in order to fix the hole without any risks. Choose the one that is most appropriate for the situation at hand and get started repairing your street as quickly as possible so that everyone can get back to their lives.