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What Are The Advantages Of Using Rabbit Monoclonal Antibodies?

Rabbit monoclonal antibody

Why choose monoclonal rabbit antibodies as your antibody-development process? Monoclonal antibody production is a key advantage for rabbits over mice. The rabbit spleen contains more B cells than the mouse spleen because rabbits are larger. 

The more B cells, the more antibodies are produced, resulting in a greater chance of finding the ideal branch for expansion. To get the best service of rabbit monoclonal antibodies, browse the internet for details.

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Antibodies to various epitopes

The rabbit immunoglobulin gene produces antibodies that respond to a much wider range of epitopes than mouse antibodies. Protein isoforms can differ by one amino acid residue, leading to slight structural aberrations. The rabbit's immune system recognizes these complex variations better by producing monoclonal antibodies. Rabbit monoclonal antibodies have a 10-to-100-fold higher affinity for binding than mouse monoclonal antibodies.

More small fragments are immunogenic in rabbits than in mice

The rabbit immune system is faster than the mouse immune system at achieving an immunogenic response to small particles. Because rabbits have more complex immune responses than mice, when a tiny chemical with a small epitope was injected into both rabbits and mice side by side, rabbits had higher titers than mice.

Decreased immunodominance

When some epitopes of the same antigen are more immunogenic than others, this is known as immune dominance. As a result, the immune system creates a large number of antibodies against the most immunogenic epitope while producing very few antibodies against other epitopes. Immunodominance was lower in rabbits than in mice.