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Things Need To Know When Buying CBD Oil In San Francisco

In previous years CBD has gained popularity, with more and more people turning to CBD as a natural pain reliever and overall wellness supplement. This increased popularity over numerous brands and products into the market. 

Unfortunately, not all CBD is created equally so customers must proceed with caution when purchasing CBD products. You can buy the best cbd lubricant online in San Francisco. Just search on Google and you will find a wide variety of CBD oil. But choosing the best one is a difficult task.

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Here are some tips keep in mind while buying CBD oil:

  • Source of Hemp

You have to look where the hemp being used in the finished products is grown. We urge customers to use only hemp grown in San Francisco. Oftentimes hemp is grown on land that has been contaminated with heavy metals and pesticides. These do not belong anywhere near your CBD products.

  • Third Party Testing

All CBD products at this time should have third party laboratory tests which can prove both potency and purity. These third party laboratory tests should be easily accessible for consumers to view publicly. If your CBD products do not have test results, you should not buy from them and go elsewhere.

  • THC Levels

Your third party tests results should show both CBD potency and THC potency. In order to comply with federal guidelines the THC content may not exceed 0.3% by weight. If you are looking for a CBD product which can be used without failing a drug test then you can go with this option.