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The Advantages Of Cloud Hosting

This gives us a very large advantage, which is directly reflected in the possibilities for the fast and sustainable development of our business:

First, cloud hosting (especially if provided in a public or hybrid cloud) offers a high level of flexibility and scalability, as we have almost unlimited compute capacity from multiple servers and network data centers and can adapt it to ours at any time.

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On the other hand, high distribution rates offer us a high degree of reliability and availability of contractually agreed resources as well as a higher guarantee of "availability".

In addition, the load is distributed dynamically between various servers depending on fluctuations in demand.

Additionally, it offers a high level of resistance to hardware errors and is a virtual resource across different physical machines and even in different data centers.

However, thanks to cloud hosting, we are able to take advantage of all the advantages such as fast provisioning and provisioning, cost savings due to usage costs, high levels of security and compliance, shorter training times, and constant system updates.

We've seen how that gives us a huge advantage. However, to get the most out of these services and minimize risks, we also have to consider the main challenges.

For this reason, it is very important to have a reliable provider accompany us in this process and ensure the appropriate level of service and security as well as compliance with European and Spanish data protection regulations.