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Lower Back Pain – Severe Back Pain Relief

Lower Back Pain Causes – Low back discomfort is common, it is estimated that over 80% of us suffer from it…but before we can select the best treatments for the symptoms, it helps to investigate the causes.

Many lower back problems can cause in people.

1. Incorrect movement and lifting can lead to injury or mistreatment of the Sacro-Illiac joints that connect the spinal cord to your pelvis. This joint can cause severe lower back pain if it is damaged. If you want to know more about the lower back pain treatment then you can visit at

2. Poor posture can lead to lower back pain.

3. Long periods of sitting can cause your lower back and muscles to fatigue. This can lead to back pain and tightening of the muscles supporting the spine.

4. It is possible to have pain in your lower back from even sleeping in an incorrect position.

Low back pain and inflammation are not signs of a more serious condition like osteoporosis, cancer, bulging discs or osteoporosis. Treatments are simple and often very effective. Before you attempt to treat your backache yourself, consult your doctor.

Prevention Virtually all of the causes of low back weakness and acute, severe pain can actually be avoided if you ensure that you take good care of your lower back.