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Kubernetes Maturity Model: Expected Business Outcomes

When you move to Kubernetes, you need to show clear business benefits. Expected business results include cost savings from time to time when you experience better infrastructure utilization, increased performance from a reduction in failure points, and increased security.

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The benefits of efficiency, reliability, and safety can be realized in several ways. Think of efficiency: Your team can provide faster functionality, or you will not waste money on excess resources. 

Your reliability can be increased because you can be easier. So, if your application has high demand, no downtime. All of this is of course because of visibility in your cluster configuration.

A few months ago we published the Kubernetes maturity model. It consists of seven phases, each discussing what engineers expect from the preparation of Kubernetes for optimization on their journey.

Here we specifically talk about what business results you should expect. Although it can be repeated in several phases, it is important to spend sufficient time in phase 1 outlining the objectives and benefits of reception in clouds, containers, and Kubernetes.

Kubernetes' maturity is mainly focused on technical transformation. However, at this point, your technology team must complete a successful POC. Based on this test, you must have some initial insights about how Kubernetes can help improve your application. 

For example, in the developer, you will see:

  • The application consumes some resources (cost savings)

  • New functions provide faster shipping (faster time to market and thus higher sales)

  • There is no downtime (improving customer reliability)