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How To Prepare Your Files For Business Printing

Are you submitting your artwork or print designs? Most print jobs have specific specifications that you must follow.

If you're just starting out with preparing design files for brochures, business cards, catalogs, and other marketing materials, here are some important tips to keep in mind before sending files to business printers:

Make sure you are using the correct file format

The preferred format for most business print providers is PDF. However, you should check if the file is in native QuarkXpress or InDesign format is preferred. Also, make sure to embed the fonts in your file.

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Embedding fonts in PDF allows the printer to make simple changes for you if necessary. The printer cannot make changes if the desired characters are not enabled.

Specify the correct color mode

Many of the colors you create in RGB mode are not possible with standard four-color printing.

It is recommended that you create your artwork in CMYK color mode from the start to ensure the colors will appear when you finish printing.

Ideally, you should always check with your business printing provider to be sure, as there are some exceptions to this arrangement, such as when producing large format prints.

A good business printing shop should be able to provide great prints at the lowest cost.