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Different Types Of Scrap Metals

Scrap metal consists of various materials that can be recycled. While many people may associate the term "used" with excess or obsolete metal parts of little value, the scrap industry is very active in many countries around the world.

Metal is the perfect material for recycling and offers a variety of uses and benefits. The benefits of recycling a wide range of metals include significantly less extraction requirements, lower production costs for metal producers, and a contribution to a global supply of high quality metal products. You can navigate this website to find the best local scarp yards.

A typical scrap yard might be ready to receive all types of metal, which are then processed and shipped for the production of a variety of new materials and products. Some metal factories can only accept certain types of metal, while other shipyards are more likely to accept non-ferrous and ferrous metals.

This type of recycling is often divided into two categories, namely non-ferrous metals and ferrous metals –

Non-ferrous metals: Metals that are included in non-ferrous metals are all metals except iron and steel. This category includes lead, brass, chromium, zinc, nickel, copper, aluminum, titanium (including box and foil) and copper. Tons of non-ferrous metal scrap are reclaimed and recycled by processors each year, which is then sent to fabricators, smelters, foundries, ingot makers and similar industries.

Ferrous Metals: Scrap and ferrous steel are categorized as ferrous metals and may include scrap from food packaging, ships, steel blocks, household appliances, railroads, and other similar containers.